Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Oh Woe Is My Vino!

Enter into a dark, silent room...where I break out into a cold sweat, tossing & turning in my deep sleep, gripping the sheets, kicking off the blankets as I scream "NO it's the Wine or ME!"

WTF? I mutter out loud, as I shake the sleep fairies my from my head, blink out the gooey eye-boogers as I tried to recount what had just played out in my memory. My commitment to this experience...Oh yeah did I mention part of the BodyFit Extreme Challenge is NO, as in no sip, no gulp, no chug, no shot, no lick, no swallow of any alcohol...period...45 days for me, as I decided I'd be on the workout fast-track (ugh my stomach muscles already are feeling the pinch). Stop, I already hear the nay-sayers, disbelievers & haters say "you won't last!" Ummm for those who know me all too well...know I will do it. It's like the description of my horror-scope (as I call it, as my charts ain't so in line lately) character, the Bull..."loyal, strong-headed, will lead into battle!" So in front of my 40+ new friends in the same boat I'm in, I made the commitment that I would NOT partake of any alcohol for 45 days. I hear the groans from y'all now...as well as the question...the big one being..."What about Gamecock football season comin' up?" Well hell that's a whole 'nother blog in itself, but my answer to the question @ large...thank goodness for my "Kleen Kanteen" as it will be filled to the brim with ice, cold aqua! Hell I'll add in an orange slice and it's almost as good as my standard Grey Goose option (yes I'm kidding, but I'm trying here...really trying)

As my for long time friend, red wine? I've dumped them all for now. Yes, all my Cabs, Old Vine Zins, Merlots, Malbecs, Blends...all of it! I have an empty wine rack can you believe it? Even though I made plenty of pros for why women need a daily glass of red wine...for our heart, memory (or lack of) lower cholesterol...the Greek God Trainer said simply "NO." As I shook my head, shuffled my feet, I said "I know I promised." I looked at my counter part, Caroline, who made the commitment of no alcohol as well & simply shrugged my shoulders as a post toast. Caroline & I began our fun @ Carolina, not so long ago, as freshman chuggin' chilled keg beer...exercising off that beer in no time flat! We could eat what we wanted, drank in excess & still stayed size 4 or 6! Unfortunately not the case now. So we threw out her BudLight Lime Bottles to the recycling bin, I tossed my vino bottles to the recycling station @ Shandon Presbyterian Church for pickup...we both sighed, longing for a drink, but settled on a protein shake with Whole Psyllium Husk added for colon health & digestion support. I know, I know...doesn't sound as good as an ice cold BudLight Lime in a frosty glass with an icy lime slice or a room temperature '02 Jordan Cab, Alexander Valley, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do...that is keep a promise to herself, for her health, well-being & to BodyFit Extreme!


  1. You can do it! But, remember, you can have alcohol in a healthy way and it's just as fun. All in moderation ... when you're ready to get back on the wagon.


    And, Grey Goose, soda water and a slice of orange hover around 69 calories. :)


    Stay away from beer. It's the devil.

    You can do it! You'll appreciate the wine that much more!

  2. Kimbo, I am very impressed, and expect to be even more impressed when you meet or exceed your goal.
